Class: VRPointCloud


new VRPointCloud()

A class that represents the point cloud acquired by the underlying VRDisplay when a call to getPointCloud is made. A point cloud is just a set of triplets (x, y, z) that represent each 3D position of each vertex/point in the point cloud. In order to make this structure as fast as possible, the Float32Array is always of the maximum vertex count possible depending on the underlywing VRDisplay. Of course, the exact number of points that have been correctly acquired is also provided in the VRPointCloud instance. NOTE: In order to improve performance, a single Float32Array instance is allocated with the maximum capacity of points that the underlying SDK could provide. This is why the numberOfPoints property is also passed along with the points property. It is up to the developer to correctly use/copy the values. To be able to use this structure, just create an instance of it and update it using the getPointCloud method described in the VRDisplay structure.


(readonly) numberOfPoints :long

The real number of points in the point cloud that have been identified by the underlying system.
  • long

(readonly) points :Float32Array

An array of triplets representing each 3D vertices of the point cloud. The size of this array is always of the maximum number of points the underlying platform can provide in order to improvde performance. The real number of points is provided in the numberOfPoints property. The remaining points when the real number of points is less than the maximum possible is filled with the maximum possible float value so they can be discarded.
  • Float32Array

(readonly) pointsAlreadyTransformed :boolesn

A flag that indicates if the points in the VRPointCloud have already been transformed in the native side or not. If the points have not been already transformed, the pointsTransformMatrix should be used to transform them in order to get the point cloud to be correctly rendered. If the flag is true, it means the points have already been transformed and thus, the pointsTransformMatrix is not needed (and it is actually an identity matrix).
  • boolesn

(readonly) pointsTransformMatrix :Float32Array

An array that represents a transformation matrix (16 values) to be able to correctly transform the points in the case that when the point cloud update was requested the developer specified that the points should not be transformed in the native side. In the case the points are transformed in the native side this matrix will be an identity matrix.
  • Float32Array